Tag: Church

The National Day of Prayer Message & Prayer, We Need to Return to God

We need to turn back to God, and you may ask: how do we need to turn back to God? It’s not us that need to turn back to God, it’s all those wicked people out there, but let me tell you something: when the most conservative branch of Christianity only has 9% of its members that have a Biblical worldview, we have a problem in this nation. When the majority of Christians are more likely to be influenced by TV, the news, and movies than they are from the word of God, we have a problem in this nation. When we have pastors that stand up and condone fornication, and adultery, and homosexuality, and perform homosexual marriage ceremonies, and even ordain ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ who are homosexual, something that God says is an abomination, we have a problem in this nation. When we shed the blood of over 55,000,000 preborn children for our convenience, for our figures, for our careers, we have a problem in this nation.

God has called us to be the culture carriers. He has called us to disciple the nations. He has called us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He has called us to be the pillar and ground of truth, and we have failed to do this in this nation. In fact, we inherited a nation that was largely

Sermon, Why We Must End Abortion NOW – And Who Is My Neighbor? Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

Why We Must End Abortion NOW, And Who is My Neighbor? The Scribes and Pharacies were always trying to trick Jesus into saying something that would get Him in trouble. They laid such a trap for Jesus when a lawyer asked Him which is the most important commandment. Jesus answered the question with a question. The lawyer answered correctly that we are to love God and our neighbor as ourselves. Jesus affirmed the answer directing the man, “do this and you will live,” but the lawyer wanting to justify himself said and who is my neighbor? Jesus then shared one of the most powerful parables in the Bible, the parable of the good Samaritan. A Jewish man is robbed, beaten, and left for dead. A priest came by and walked right by, refusing to be neighbor to the injured man. A Levite did the same. Then came a Samaritan. you may recall that the Jews despised Samaritans and viewed them as half breeds which they were because they were from Jewish decent whose parents had intermarried with pagan nations. The Samaritan bandaged the man’s wounds, carried him on his donkey to an inn, cared for him, and paid the inn keeper additional money to care for the man until he could care for himself. The Samaritan, was neighbor to the man in the ditch.

The lawyer asked, “and who is my neighbor”? In the parable of the Good Samaritan, Jesus flips the question and asks who will you be neighbor to? The Priest wasn’t neighbor to the man lying in the ditch. The Levite wasn’t neighbor to the man lying in the ditch. But the despised Samaritan was neighbor him.

And how about you? Preborn baby girls and boys are lying in the ditch scheduled for slaughter by safe, legal abortion. Will you pass by on the other side of the street, or will you be neighbor to the preborn?