5-1-11 National Day of Prayer, Humiliation, and Fasting Before God, Covenant Tabernacle, Pastor Bryan Longworth


To view a complete list of National Day of Prayer events for St Lucie County Florida, visit our National Day of Prayer page.

Our nation has been rocked with natural disasters with raging storms sweeping through Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee, killing over 300 to date. Yet this is nothing new. Since that dreadful Roe v Wade decision and the ensuing millions upon millions of unborn babies that have been killed by “safe, legal” abortion on demand, we have seen ever increasing damage from natural disasters. From flooding in the Midwest, to earthquakes in the West and elsewhere, to wild fires, to hurricanes, to tornadoes, to ice storms, to drought. It is as if creation is groaning with birth pangs, eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8:22). It is as if creation will not willingly put up with our futility and as if God is removing His restraining hand (Romans 8:19-21). It is as if the land were vomiting out its inhabitants as God warns in Leviticus 18 and 20.

God has blessed us to live in a nation that has a strong heritage of faithful men and women who have gone before us and have given us a Biblical foundation like no other nation on earth has experienced since the Jewish nation of antiquity. As a result, this nation has experienced the blessings of God like no other nation, yet we have drifted away from that solid foundation of hearing and obeying God’s word. We have removed the Bible, Prayer, and the Ten Commandments from schools, we have cast off traditional morals for free love that once meant that boy friends and girl friends could shack up and fornicate and that lovers could commit adultery. This has now grown to the point where couples no longer need to be boyfriend and girlfriend (as in friends with benefits) or even of the opposite sex (as in homosexual relationships). As a result of this sexual perversion, we have abortion on demand and have now slain over 55,000,000 preborn children by abortion simply because the children were an inconvenience to their parents who simply desire to experience the pleasure of physical intimacy without the resulting consequences. Furthermore, thanks to Governor Mitt Romney, we now have states where men can marry men, and women can marry women. And the church has been all to willing to either stay inside its four walls and let the United States go to Hell in a hand basket, or even worse, have cast off the clear teaching of scripture and have winked at and even sanctioned these very sins. Should we wonder then that we now are experiencing such calamity and hardship?

In America, we have a long history of Christians who have cried out to God in the time of need. From the Catholic martyrs who laid down their lives to take the gospel to this nation, to the Pilgrims who covenanted with God before even stepping foot on the shore, to the Puritans who turned to God when there was an Indian uprising, a drought, or another hardship, to the founding fathers who turned to God time an time again during the Continental Congress, the Revolutionary War, and the Constitutional Convention, to Presidents, Governors, Soldiers, and Citizens throughout the ages who have turned to God for divine protection, our nation’s history is full of examples of men, women, communities, states, and yes our nation crying out to the King of kings and Lord of lords for deliverance and provision. Below is a small sampling of Founding Fathers, Governors, and Presidents calling for national days of fasting, humiliation, and prayer:

1775 Samuel Adams, Governor of Massachusetts called for a day of Public Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer (http://www.wallbuilders.com/LIBissuesArticles.asp?id=43)

Revolutionary War – Washington Called for Days of Public Fasting, Humiliation, and Prayer

Constitutional Convetion – 1787 Benjamin Franklin
“In this situation of this Assembly, groping as it were in the dark to find political truth, and scarce able to distinguish it when presented to us, how has it happened, Sir, that we have not hitherto once thought of humbly applying to the Father of lights to illuminate our understandings? In the beginning of the Contest with G. Britain, when we were sensible of danger we had daily prayer in this room for the divine protection. Our prayers, Sir, were heard, and they were graciously answered. All of us who were engaged in the struggle must have observed frequent instances of a Superintending providence in our favor. To that kind providence we owe this happy opportunity of consulting in peace on the means of establishing our future national felicity. And have we now forgotten that powerful friend? I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth- that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that ‘except the Lord build the House they labour in vain that build it.’ I firmly believe this; and I also believe that without his concurring aid we shall succeed in this political building no better than the Builders of Babel: We shall be divided by our little partial local interests; our projects will be confounded, and we ourselves shall become a reproach and bye word down to future ages. And what is worse, mankind may hereafter from this unfortunate instance, despair of establishing Governments be Human Wisdom and leave it to chance, war and conquest.
I therefore beg leave to move, that henceforth prayers imploring the assistance of Heaven, and its blessings on our deliberations, be held in this Assembly every morning before we proceed to business, and that one or more of the Clergy of the City be requested to officiate in that service.”

John Adams – 03/23/1798
This is the text of President John Adams’ March 23, 1798 national Fasting and Prayer proclamation; as printed in the The Phenix/Windham Herald, April 12, 1798.

“By the President of the United States of America


AS the safety and prosperity of nations ultimately and essentially depend on the protection and blessing of Almighty God; and the national acknowledgment of this truth is not only an indispensable duty which the people owe to Him, but a duty whose natural influence is favorable to the promotion of that morality and piety, without which social happiness cannot exist, nor the blessings of a free government be enjoyed; and as this duty, at all times incumbent, is so especially in seasons of difficulty and of danger, when existing or threatening calamities, the just judgments of God against prevalent iniquity are a loud call to repentance and reformation; and as the United States of America are at present placed in a hazardous and afflictive situation, by the unfriendly disposition, conduct and demands of a foreign power, evinced by repeated refusals to receive our messengers of reconciliation and peace, by depredations on our commerce, and the infliction of injuries on very many of our fellow citizens, while engaged in their lawful business on the seas: -Under these considerations it has appeared to me that the duty of imploring the mercy and benediction of Heaven on our country, demands at this time a special attention from its inhabitants.

I HAVE therefore thought it fit to recommend, that Wednesday, the 9th day of May next be observed throughout the United States, as a day of Solemn Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer; That the citizens of these states, abstaining on that day from their customary worldly occupations, offer their devout addresses to the Father of Mercies, agreeably to those forms or methods which they have severally adopted as the most suitable and becoming: That all religious congregations do, with the deepest humility, acknowledge before GOD the manifold sins and transgressions with which we are justly chargeable as individuals and as a nation; beseeching him, at the same time, of his infinite Grace, through the Redeemer of the world, freely to remit all our offences, and to incline us, by his holy spirit, to that sincere repentance and reformation which may afford us reason to hope for his inestimable favor and heavenly benediction; That it be made the subject of particular and earnest supplication, that our country may be protected from all the dangers which threaten it; that our civil and religious privileges may be preserved inviolate, and perpetuated to the latest generations; that our public councils and magistrates may be especially enlightened and directed at this critical period; that the American people may be united in those bonds of amity and mutual confidence, and inspired with that vigor and fortitude by which they have in times past been so highly distinguished, and by which they have obtained such invaluable advantages: That the health of the inhabitants of our land may be preserved, and their agriculture, commerce, fisheries, arts and manufactures be blessed and prospered: That the principles of genuine piety and sound morality may influence the minds and govern the lives of every description of our citizens; and that the blessings of peace, freedom, and pure religion, may be speedily extended to all the nations of the earth.

And finally I recommend, that on the said day; the duties of humiliation and prayer be accompanied by fervent Thanksgiving to the bestower of every good gift, not only for having hitherto protected and preserved the people of these United States in the independent enjoyment of their religious and civil freedom, but also for having prospered them in a wonderful progress of population, and for conferring on them many and great favours conducive to the happiness and prosperity of a nation.

Given under my hand and seal of the United States of America, at Philadelphia, this twenty-third day of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, and of the Independence of the said States the twenty-second.


By the President,
TIMOTHY PICKERING, Secretary of State
John Adams (1735-1826) Adams was an attorney, diplomat, and statesman; he graduated from Harvard (1755); leader in the opposition to the Stamp Act (1765); delegate to the Continental Congress (1774-77) where he signed the Declaration of Independence (1776); appointed Chief Justice of Superior Court of Massachusetts (1775); delegate to the Massachusetts constitutional convention (1779-80) and wrote most of the first draft of the Massachusetts Constitution; foreign ambassador to Holland (1782); signed the peace treaty which ended the American Revolution (1783); foreign ambassador to Great Britain (1785-88); served two terms as Vice-President under President George Washington (1789-97); second President of the United States (1797-1801); he and his one time political nemesis- turned-close-friend Thomas Jefferson both died on July 4, 1826, the fiftieth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence; Adams was titled by fellow signer of the Declaration Richard Stockton as the “Atlas of American Independence.”

1807 Connecticut Governor Jonathan Trumbull Proclamation – Fasting, Humiliation

1812 James Madison Proclamation calling for Humiliation and Prayer

1860 Proclamation by President James Buchanan – Humiliation, Fasting, and Prayer – 1860

Isaiah 36-37.

Psalms 33:12 19 – “Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance. . . No king is saved by the multitude of an army; A mighty man is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a vain hope for safety; Neither shall it deliver any by its great strength. Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy, To deliver their soul from death, And to keep them alive in famine.” (NKJV)

1 Timothy 2:1 2 – “Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” (NKJV)

2 Chronicles 6:24-31, 36-39

2 Chronicles 7:13 14 – “When I shut up heaven and there is no rain, or command the locusts to devour the land, or send pestilence among My people, if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (NKJV)

To view a complete list of National Day of Prayer events for St Lucie County Florida, visit my National Day of Prayer page.

Body Network Personhood Florida Bryan Longworth

Pastor Bryan Longworth


Pastor Bryan Longworth serves as the associate pastor at Covenant Tabernacle in Port St. Lucie, FL, as the director of Personhood FL, a prolife organization working to pass the Florida Personhood Amendment that will end abortion in FL, and as the director of SOHL, Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast. Longworth continues to be involved in the pro-life movement and in calling the church and our nation to repentance. The church and America needs revival and reformation like never before. The blood of over 55 million children cries from the ground for vengeance, and God will avenge! God send us a true move of God lest we perish in our iniquity!


Covenant Tabernacle World Outreach Center

Covenant Tabernacle

Covenant Tabernacle World Outreach Center in Port Saint Lucie Florida is a nondenominational, charismatic reformed church that believes the Pentecostal gifts of the Holy Spirit are available to believers today. We believe God has called us to worship, proclaim His word, and Disciple the nations in obedience to His commandments.

Vibrant Worship

At Covenant Tabernacle, we believe in worshipping God “with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30 – NKJV) As a part of our worship, we blow the Shofar as blown in ancient Jewish worship.

Powerful, Bible based Preaching

We believe that the word of God is true (2 Samuel 7:28) and that “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16-17 NKJV) We encourage all believers to develop a Biblical Worldview that shapes our view on not only our personal life but also our family, friends, loved ones, church, and civil government.


We believe in following Christ’s Great Commission to “‘go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.” (Matthew 28:19-20 NKJV) As such, we believe in discipling individuals, families, communities, cities, states, and nations in obedience to God’s word.

Sermon, 5-1-11 National Day of Prayer, Humiliation, and Fasting Before God, Repent, Repentance, Turn Back to God, Judgment, Natural Calamity, Storms, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Wild Fires, Drought, Earthquake, Over 300 Dead, Catholic Missionaries, Martyrs, Pilgrims, Puritans, Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Samuel Adams, James Madison, James Buchanan, Jonathan Trumbull, Governor, President, Constitution, Constitutional Convention, Revolutionary War, Sin, Prayer, Bible Reading, Ten Commandments, Public Schools, Kicked God Out of America, Sexual Promiscuity, Fornication, Adultery, Homosexuality, Homosexual Marriage, Abortion, United States, Convict, Repent, Repentance, Revival, Reformation, Restoration, Covenant Tabernacle, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle Worship Service. Prolife, pro-life, abortion, Repentance, Revival, Reformation, A True Move of God. Join us as we worship the King of King and Lord of Lords and call the church and our city, state, and nation to repent before a holy God. For information about Covenant Tabernacle, Port St. Lucie, visit Covenant Tabernacle’s website http://www.CovenantTabernacle.com.

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Pastor Bryan Longworth is the number one ranked prolifer and Tea Party Advocate on Twitter (@BryanLongworth) with over 235,000 followers, serves as the director of Personhood FL, a prolife organization working to pass the Florida ProLife Personhood Amendment that will end abortion and protect all innocent human life in FL, as the associate pastor at Covenant Tabernacle in Port St. Lucie, FL, and as the director of SOHL, Sanctity of Human Life of the Treasure Coast. Longworth is a Wall Builders Black Robe Regiment Pastor and a Family Research Council (FRC) Watchmen on the Wall Pastor. Longworth has participated in the Alliance Defense Fund's (ADF) Pulpit Freedom Sunday since 2010. Longworth continues to be involved in the pro-life movement and in calling the church and our nation to repentance. The church and America needs revival and reformation like never before. The blood of over 55 million children cries from the ground for vengeance, and God will avenge! God send us a true move of God lest we perish in our iniquity!


2 pings

    • Thomas S. Ladomirak on May 4, 2011 at 5:27 am
    • Reply

    Maybe you would like to post your event on the National Day of Prayer web site so some more people can find these events for this Thursday 05-05-2011 in St. Lucie Couny. I looked there first, before I found your posting.

    1. Thank you Tom. I’ll do that.

  1. […] Sermon, 5-1-11 National Day of Prayer, Humiliation, and Fasting Before God, Repent, Repentance, Turn Back to God, Judgment, Natural Calamity, Storms, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Hurricanes, Tornadoes, Wild Fires, Drought, Earthquake, Over 300 Dead, Catholic Missionaries, Martyrs, Pilgrims, Puritans, Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, John Adams, Samuel Adams, James Madison, James Buchanan, Jonathan Trumbull, Governor, President, Constitution, Constitutional Convention, Revolutionary War, Sin, Prayer, Bible Reading, Ten Commandments, Public Schools, Kicked God Out of America, Sexual Promiscuity, Fornication, Adultery, Homosexuality, Homosexual Marriage, Abortion, United States, Convict, Repent, Repentance, Revival, Reformation, Restoration, Covenant Tabernacle, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle Worship Service.  Prolife, pro-life, abortion, Repentance, Revival, Reformation, A True Move of God. Join us as we worship the King of King and Lord of Lords and call the church and our city, state, and nation to repent before a holy God. For information about Covenant Tabernacle, Port St. Lucie, visit Covenant Tabernacle’s website http://www.CovenantTabernacle.com. Abortion, Abortion Harms Women, Abstinence, Church, Condom Ed, Federal, Federal, Florida, Fort Pierce, Gifford, Government, Government, Grace, Great Awakening, Indian River County, Issues, Jensen Beach, Local, Martin Coutny, Mercy, Palm City, Planned Parenthood, Politics, Port Saint Lucie, Prayer, Prayer, Reformation, Repentance, Repentance, Revival, Saint Lucie County, Sebastian, Sermon, Sin, State, Stuart, The Bible, The Bible, The Ten Commandments, The Ten Commandments, Vero Beach   abortion, Adultery, Alabama, and Fasting Before God, Benjamin Franklin, Bible Reading, Catholic Missionaries, Constitution, Constitutional Convention, Convict, Covenant Tabernacle, Drought, Earthquake, Fornication, Founding Fathers, Georgia, Governor, Homosexual Marriage, Homosexuality, Humiliation, Hurricanes, James Buchanan, James Madison, John Adams, Jonathan Trumbull, Judgment, Kicked God Out of America, Martyrs, Mississippi, national day of prayer, Natural Calamity, Over 300 Dead, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Pilgrims, prayer, President, Public Schools, Puritans, reformation, repent, repentance, Restoration, revival, Revolutionary War, Samuel Adams, sermon, Sexual Promiscuity, Sin, Storms, Ten Commandments, Tennessee, Tornadoes, Turn Back to God, United States, Virginia, Wild Fires      TeaParty, ProLife Picket of St Lucie County School Board » […]

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