Living Nativity 2016
This time of year, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s common to see Christmas lights and trees. It’s common to see living nativities, but was Jesus really born on Christmas Day? While we can’t really know exactly when Jesus was born, the Bible does give clues that can help us determine when Jesus was born. This week we continue looking for those clues as we seek to answer this question.
Was Jesus Born December 25? If Not, Should We Celebrate Christmas December 25?
Opening Passage — Psalm 89.
Luke 1:1-2:17
Vs. 7 – They were advanced in years and Elizabeth was barren
Clue Number 1 – Luke 1:10 – When would the whole multitude of the people be praying at the hour of incense in Jerusalem?
Clue Number 2 – Luke 1:23-25 – What was the timing of the conception of John the Baptist?
Clue Number 3 – Luke 1:26-38 – What was the timing of the conception of Jesus?
Clue Number 4 – Luke 1:56-57 – What was the timing of the birth of John the Baptist?
Clue Number 5 – Luke 2:8-16 – Would shepherds have been in the field in the latter part of December?