This week, we’re heading to Tallahassee to meet with Florida representatives, senators, and in some cases, their aides.
In today’s sermon, you will see an expanded version of the presentation we will give to these representatives. In this sermon, we will apply biblical principles to government to see what God’s word says prolife legislation should contain and not contain. We will look at protecting preborn children in the womb, preborn children in laboratories, the disabled, and the elderly. We will examine why human life should be protected, what prolife laws should not include, rape and incest exceptions, life and health of the mother exceptions, and the necessity for legislators to have the courage to do what is right. We will examine the Pain Capable Bill, the Parental Rights Bill, the Disability Abortion Bill, and the Final Disposition of Fetal Remains Bill.
Shouldn’t our laws protect every innocent human being, without exception?