Category: The Nations

Sermon, Should We Celebrate Christmas December 25 Even Though Jesus Probably Wasn’t Born Then?

This time of year, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s common to see Christmas lights and trees. It’s common to see living nativities, but was Jesus really born on Christmas Day? While we can’t really know exactly when Jesus was born, the Bible does give clues that can help us determine when Jesus was …

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Election 2016 – Shock and Awe, Sermon

Despondent Hillary Clinton Supporters

After the Trump victory, many Hillary Clinton supporters and even many Donald Trump supporters have experienced shock and awe! The worst thing that could happen though would be for Christians and ProLifers to fall asleep and let trust Trump and the Republican party to defend innocent human life, restore liberty and justice for all, appoint …

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Sermon, 12-18-11, What Kind of Nation Have We Become When We Value Possessions More Than Human Life, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

You may recall the video on the Internet of the little girl in China who wondered away from her mom and wondered into the road where she was ran over by a van. Since China is a police state with cameras everywhere, the event was caught on video. You can see the passenger of the van look out and see the girl before the van drives away. Multiple people passed by, saw the girl dying in the middle of the street, and just walked on by.
I want to take you to another scene, one in America where shoppers walked over a dying man to preserve their place in the black Friday line. What kind of country have we become when life is so invaluable and when our focus is so much on material possessions and not on glorifying God, and when in this time economic uncertainty, in this time of need, in this time when we have a record number of foreclosures and people can’t pay their bills, we see more money spent on black Friday than any other Christmas ever? What kind of people have we become?
Watch the full sermon to hear how we need to seek to glorify God more than our possessions, restore the sanctity of human life, and restore fiscal responsibility. Mentioned in this sermon Abortion, the ProLife Personhood Movement, the Tea Party Movement, and Occupy Wall Street.

We will not give up! We Will End Abortion! Will You Help?

With the loss of Mississippi’s Initiative 26, many in the prolife movement and the media have asked what is our strategy here in Florida. They are quick to point out that Mississippi is more prolife than Florida and ask how we think we can win if a similar initiative can’t even pass in Mississippi.
The good news is that leading up to and following the Mississippi vote, Personhood FL has linked up with new volunteers who are willing to help make the case for life in their county! We currently are working on a plan to contact every church in Florida between now and the end of the year so that the churches can present the Florida ProLife Personhood Petition to their parishioners in January, but we need your help to accomplish this. Will you help us take the message of life to every church, every pastor in your county? Please join us for a conference call/training tomorrow (Tuesday, November 15 from 9 – 10 PM) where we’ll go over how to contact the churches and pastors and the new FL ProLife Personhood Petition. This call will cover key strategies for ending abortion and protecting all innocent human life. Register to join us on the call below.

Sermon, Memorial Day, Is the Lord For Us or For Our Adversaries? Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

When the Lord appeared to Joshua near Jericho, Joshua asked, ‘Are You for us or for our adversaries?’ So He said, ‘No, but as Commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.’ This is a curious answer. One would think that the Lord would take sides in this battle, especially since Israel was His chosen people. Yes the answer was, No, but I am here. Joshua’s question really was misdirected. The question should not have been whether God was on Israels side but rather was Israel on God’s side, for it is only when a nation is on God’s side that God will bless and defend and fight for that nation.

Moreover, when a nation departs from His commandments and violates His precepts

Sermon, Memorial Day, Calling Americans to Fight for America

Memorial Day is a day that we set aside remember those who have fallen in battle to establish and then defend the rights that we often take for granted in America.These freedom’s are not free but were bought and paid for by the blood of American men and women who loved this country more than their own lives and by the blessings of God. You see, America has the greatest army earth, yet we cannot afford to rely on our own strength, might, and power and reject God’s principles found in the Bible. If we are to continue to enjoy the freedom we hold dear, we must return to the Lord and honor His commandments.

In the Constitutional Convention, Benjamin Franklin referenced