If we were able to live thousands of years, here on earth, we could never even come close to understanding or fully appreciating the love and the goodness of Almighty God! Everything that God does for mankind is good and He is the Only one who can take the worst things in our lives and …
Category: Sermon
Dec 25
Sermon, Should We Celebrate Christmas December 25 Even Though Jesus Probably Wasn’t Born Then?
This time of year, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s common to see Christmas lights and trees. It’s common to see living nativities, but was Jesus really born on Christmas Day? While we can’t really know exactly when Jesus was born, the Bible does give clues that can help us determine when Jesus was …
Dec 18
Sermon, Was Jesus Born December 25 – If Not, Should We Celebrate Christmas December 25 – Part 2
This time of year, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s common to see Christmas lights and trees. It’s common to see living nativities, but was Jesus really born on Christmas Day? While we can’t really know exactly when Jesus was born, the Bible does give clues that can help us determine when Jesus was …
Dec 17
Sermon, Was Jesus Born on Christmas Day?
This time of year, we celebrate the birth of Jesus. It’s common to see Christmas lights and trees. It’s common to see living nativities, but was Jesus really born on Christmas Day? While we can’t really know exactly when Jesus was born, the Bible does give clues that can help us determine when Jesus was …
Nov 20
Thanksgiving Sermon, I Give Thanks to My God and King Always
This week we will celebrate Thanksgiving. Families and friends will gather to spend time with family and give thanks to God for the blessings we have received, but did you know that God wants us to always thank Him, even when we’re going through difficult times? I thank God for many things. I thank Him …
Oct 16
Sermon, Our Response to National Disasters Part 2 – When God Allows Creation to Destroy
Our nation has been rocked with natural disasters. From raging storms that swept through Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee, killing over 300, to flooding in the Midwest, to earthquakes in the West and elsewhere, to wildfires, to hurricanes, to tornadoes, to ice storms, to drought. And this year, we’ve been hit hard with four hurricanes, …
Sep 25
Sermon, A Tribute to Hazel Elizabeth (Longworth) Davis
A tribute to my sister, Hazel Elizabeth (Longworth) Davis, and some random thoughts on human mortality. Anecdotal incidents on my life and my sister’s as we were growing up (We were one year and four months apart). Also, information about her family after she married. This includes her final moments at Hospice, in Middletown, OH. …
Nov 14
Election 2016 – Shock and Awe, Sermon
After the Trump victory, many Hillary Clinton supporters and even many Donald Trump supporters have experienced shock and awe! The worst thing that could happen though would be for Christians and ProLifers to fall asleep and let trust Trump and the Republican party to defend innocent human life, restore liberty and justice for all, appoint …