Where do the candidates in your area stand on the sanctity of Human Life. In the past, we’ve had to guess. We’ve had to wonder. In fact in the past, most of the voter guides merely asked the question: Do you oppose abortion except in the cases of rape, incest, and life of the mother? If a candidate answered yes, that candidate was deemed to be
Category: Sermon
Jul 07
The National Day of Prayer Message & Prayer, We Need to Return to God
We need to turn back to God, and you may ask: how do we need to turn back to God? It’s not us that need to turn back to God, it’s all those wicked people out there, but let me tell you something: when the most conservative branch of Christianity only has 9% of its members that have a Biblical worldview, we have a problem in this nation. When the majority of Christians are more likely to be influenced by TV, the news, and movies than they are from the word of God, we have a problem in this nation. When we have pastors that stand up and condone fornication, and adultery, and homosexuality, and perform homosexual marriage ceremonies, and even ordain ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ who are homosexual, something that God says is an abomination, we have a problem in this nation. When we shed the blood of over 55,000,000 preborn children for our convenience, for our figures, for our careers, we have a problem in this nation.
God has called us to be the culture carriers. He has called us to disciple the nations. He has called us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He has called us to be the pillar and ground of truth, and we have failed to do this in this nation. In fact, we inherited a nation that was largely
Jun 07
Will You Stand for Religious Freedom, June 8
Will you Stand Up for Religious Freedom, Friday, June 8, Noon. The federal government doesn’t have the right to order Churches and Christians to pay for services that violate their deeply held religious beliefs. Please participate in these rallies and collect signatures for the New ProLife Personhood Amendment Petition. Christians of all faiths need to stand up for religious freedom, or we will all lose our freedoms!
The Nationwide Rally for Religious Freedom is being held in 140 cities Friday, June 8 at noon, local time, outside federal buildings, Congressional offices and historic sites across the country. The theme for the Rally is “Stand Up for Religious Freedom—Stop the HHS Mandate!” Florida cities include: Fort Lauderdale, Fort Pierce, Jacksonville, Miami, Naples, Ocala, Pensacola, Sarasota, St. Petersburg, Stuart, Vero Beach, and West Palm Beach.
Feb 12
It is Appointed Unto Man Once to Die, and Then the Judgment, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle
This past week, we saw three legends, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and Ed McMahon all went to meet their maker. All three had fame and made a lot of money in their lifetime, though two died deeply in debt. Yet all three share the same fate: they will stand before a Holy God and face judgment for their actions, thoughts, even secrets.
Jan 31
Election Day Sermon, Applying Biblical Principles to Government, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle
We read this morning from Psalm 33 about how Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and that nations are not protected by the multitude of their army or the power of their military force but there protected based on the protection of God God’s sovereignty and that is most often based on whether that nation is obeying God’s word or violating God’s word.
In proverbs 14:34 we read, “righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people” and in Proverbs 28:12, we learn, “When the righteous rejoice, there is great glory; But when the wicked arise, men hide themselves.” (Ref. vs. 28) (NKJV)
Jan 01
Sermon, What Did the Magi (Wise-Men) See? Who were they? Where Were They From? Pastor Charles (Chuck) Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle
Who were the Wise Men, the Magi, and what did they know about the sky?