On Palm Sunday, we commemorate the triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Often, we think about this as a historical event, but I want to ask you to apply these passages to our lives today. In this sermon we apply Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem, his warning to the Jewish people, his longing to take their children …
Category: Pray
Aug 26
Vote Today & Join Me in Prayer for Our Cities, Counties, State, and Nation
At the founding of this country, it was common for pastors to preach election day sermons lasting as long as three hours. In these sermons, pastors implored their congregations to vote according to Biblical values. John Jay said, “Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers, and it is the duty, as …
Jul 07
The National Day of Prayer Message & Prayer, We Need to Return to God
We need to turn back to God, and you may ask: how do we need to turn back to God? It’s not us that need to turn back to God, it’s all those wicked people out there, but let me tell you something: when the most conservative branch of Christianity only has 9% of its members that have a Biblical worldview, we have a problem in this nation. When the majority of Christians are more likely to be influenced by TV, the news, and movies than they are from the word of God, we have a problem in this nation. When we have pastors that stand up and condone fornication, and adultery, and homosexuality, and perform homosexual marriage ceremonies, and even ordain ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ who are homosexual, something that God says is an abomination, we have a problem in this nation. When we shed the blood of over 55,000,000 preborn children for our convenience, for our figures, for our careers, we have a problem in this nation.
God has called us to be the culture carriers. He has called us to disciple the nations. He has called us to be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. He has called us to be the pillar and ground of truth, and we have failed to do this in this nation. In fact, we inherited a nation that was largely
Jan 31
Election Day Sermon, Applying Biblical Principles to Government, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle
We read this morning from Psalm 33 about how Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord and that nations are not protected by the multitude of their army or the power of their military force but there protected based on the protection of God God’s sovereignty and that is most often based on whether that nation is obeying God’s word or violating God’s word.
In proverbs 14:34 we read, “righteousness exalts a nation but sin is a reproach to any people” and in Proverbs 28:12, we learn, “When the righteous rejoice, there is great glory; But when the wicked arise, men hide themselves.” (Ref. vs. 28) (NKJV)
Sep 10
9/16/2001 We will never forget 911, A Call to Repentance for America, Pastor Longworth
The sermon above was preached by Pastor Chuck Longworth, Pastor Bryan Longworth, and Jeremy Longworth Sunday, September 16, 2001 at Covenant Tabernacle Church in White City, FL. If you recall the time, you recall that America was in shock from the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and the failed attack on the White House. This was the Sunday when all football and baseball games were postponed. Churches were filled. Pastors called for repentance. Americans prayed. Democrats and Republicans even sang God Bless America together, but was the 911 attacks a sign that God’s blessings and protection had been lifted from America? If so, what it necessary to return God’s blessing, protection, and favor to America? These questions were explored from the Bible by Pastor Chuck Longworth, Pastor Bryan Longworth, and Jeremy Longworth.
The Bible tells us in Psalm 27:1 “Unless the LORD builds the house, They labor in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, The watchman stays awake in vain. (NKJV) The United States of America have enjoyed the greatest of God’s blessing and protection over the years. The Lord has guarded our cities and our country for attacks from within and without, yet the Lord wasn’t guarding our city 911! And many will ask why was He not guarding our city? I will say that it is because we as a nation have left His commandments. We as a nation have departed from the principles, the moral foundation that this nation was founded upon. Many, even those in the church, have thought that America is so great that God couldn’t possibly fulfill His purpose in this earth without
Jul 31
Sermon Restoring the Tabernacle of David, Pastor Chuck Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle
Why didn’t God choose to restore the Tabernacle of David instead of the Tabernacle of Moses or the Temple of Solomon? As far as furniture/trappings, this Tabernacle was bare-bones. God wasn’t looking for a building, but rather fellowship and intimacy. In fact, David desired to build God a “house” or permanent dwelling, but God restrained him from doing so. Why is there so much emphasis in the body of Christ, today, on praise and worship and especially returning to pure praise and worship w/o entertainment?
Jun 19
Fathers’ Day Sermon, Every Child Needs a Hero, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle Church
Every child needs a hero. When I grew up, my hero was my dad. Before I would ever see Johnny Bench throw out a base runner, or watch Pete Rose get a hit, or cheer as Terry Bradshaw threw another touchdown pass, or watch with amazement as Franco Harris grabbed the immaculate reception. or took part in a Mylon Lefevre and Broken Heart or Stryper concert, my dad was my hero. I wanted to be like him. When he went to school, I got my books out so that I would look like him. I couldn’t wait each day until he picked me up from daycare! And the day I saw him working on the water fountain at my school, nothing could keep me from getting to him, not my teacher, not the gate fence, nothing. My dad taught me to have a
May 29
Sermon, Memorial Day, Is the Lord For Us or For Our Adversaries? Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle
When the Lord appeared to Joshua near Jericho, Joshua asked, ‘Are You for us or for our adversaries?’ So He said, ‘No, but as Commander of the army of the LORD I have now come.’ This is a curious answer. One would think that the Lord would take sides in this battle, especially since Israel was His chosen people. Yes the answer was, No, but I am here. Joshua’s question really was misdirected. The question should not have been whether God was on Israels side but rather was Israel on God’s side, for it is only when a nation is on God’s side that God will bless and defend and fight for that nation.
Moreover, when a nation departs from His commandments and violates His precepts