Tag: Judgment

Preparing for the Coronavirus

People all over are preparing for the coronavirus. How should we prepare for the coronavirus? If you were to contract the coronavirus and die, would you be prepared to meet your maker? Should we prepare physically for the coronavirus? Should we prepare to turn back to God both individually and nationally? Should we prepare to trust God? Today, we examine these questions and look to the Bible for answers.

Today We Remember the Blood of Over 65 Million Preborn Girls and Boys

Children Carrying a Casket Outside of Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic

Today we remember the blood of over 65 million preborn girls and boys that have been slain on the altar of convenience. It is time that we end the shedding of innocent blood and establish legal protection for all from fertilization to natural death. Please join Personhood FL in defending all innocent human life, without …

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Sermon, A Tribute to Hazel Elizabeth (Longworth) Davis

2017 Hazel Elizabeth Longworth Davis

A tribute to my sister, Hazel Elizabeth (Longworth) Davis, and some random thoughts on human mortality. Anecdotal incidents on my life and my sister’s as we were growing up (We were one year and four months apart). Also, information about her family after she married. This includes her final moments at Hospice, in Middletown, OH. …

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It is Appointed Unto Man Once to Die, and Then the Judgment, Pastor Bryan Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle

This past week, we saw three legends, Michael Jackson, Farrah Fawcett, and Ed McMahon all went to meet their maker. All three had fame and made a lot of money in their lifetime, though two died deeply in debt. Yet all three share the same fate: they will stand before a Holy God and face judgment for their actions, thoughts, even secrets.

5-1-11 National Day of Prayer, Humiliation, and Fasting Before God, Covenant Tabernacle, Pastor Bryan Longworth

Our nation has been rocked with natural disasters with raging storms sweeping through Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, and Tennessee, killing over 300 to date. Yet this is nothing new. Since that dreadful Roe v Wade decision and the ensuing millions upon millions of unborn babies that have been killed by “safe, legal” abortion on demand, we have seen ever increasing damage from natural disasters. From flooding in the Midwest, to earthquakes in the West and elsewhere, to wild fires, to hurricanes, to tornadoes, to ice storms, to drought. It is as if creation is groaning with birth pangs, eagerly awaiting the revealing of the sons of God (Romans 8:22). It is as if creation will not willingly put up with our futility and as if God is removing His restraining hand (Romans 8:19-21). It is as if the land were vomiting out its inhabitants as God warns in Leviticus 18 and 20.

12/12/10 Sermon God’s Preparation for the Birth of Christ Merry Christmas Jesus God

Sermon, God’s Preparation for the Birth of Christ, Merry Christmas

11/28/10, Sermon, The Comforter Has Come, Jesus, Holy Spirit, God, Speaking in Tongues

Sermon, The Comforter Has Come, #Jesus, Holy Spirit, God, Speaking in Tongues, Repentance, Revival, Reformation, Restoration. Pastor Chuck Longworth, Charles Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle Worship Service. Repentance, Revival, Reformation, A True Move of God. Blow the Shofar. Join us as we worship the King of King and Lord of Lords and call the church and our city, state, and nation to repent before a holy God. For information about Covenant Tabernacle, Port St. Lucie, visit Covenant Tabernacle’s website http://www.CovenantTabernacle.com.

11/14/2010 Sermon: What Must I Do to Be Saved – II

Sermon, What Must I do to Be Saved II, Repentance, Revival, Reformation, Restoration. Pastor Chuck Longworth, Charles Longworth, Covenant Tabernacle Worship Service. Repentance, Revival, Reformation, A True Move of God. Blow the Shofar. Join us as we worship the King of King and Lord of Lords and call the church and our city, state, and nation to repent before a holy God. For information about Covenant Tabernacle, Port St. Lucie, visit Covenant Tabernacle’s website http://www.CovenantTabernacle.com.